Special Healing for Rescue Horse Lucky

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Lucky came to live with Mel 10 months ago (September 2013). He was thin, unwell and miserable. In his initial review we found: That he was running at just 46% of his potential with 6 plans indicated over the next 8-10 months to bring him to good health. In his first plan the following came up for clearing and healing:

  • Liver and kidney cleanse (detox)
  • Two antibiotics – penicillin and amoxicillin
  • Blockage in his hoof
  • Bacteria paracolon bacilli (disturbs digestion) and shigella dysenteria (causes dysentery)
  • Remedy to release build up of uric acid, treat rheumatism.
  • Soreness of bladder with pain in right kidney and ureter.
  • Itching about joints.
  • Photophobia.
  • Flower essence for apathy, resignation, discouraged and half-hearted.
  • Imbalance in blood cholesterol levels and blood urea levels.

And this was just his first plan. We went on to do the follow up plans. Mel tells us: There has been a huge change in Lucky, he’s now huge. For feed – apart from a few cups of rolled barley flakes and a few handfuls of lucerne chaff every few days, when he has his remedy, he is getting no supplementary feed at all. Mel is very happy with the changes in her beautiful rescue horse Lucky.

To book in your horse for its first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.